Friday, November 5, 2010


Many times what others think of you can truly affect you.
Many times we let these opinions bring us down.
Many times we fall and we don't stand back up.


We all make mistakes.
We all act without thinking.
We all are not perfect.

The greatest lesson I have learned is to laugh it off.
As hard as it is, some people spend their time laughing at others.
Some people have no true goal in their life.
Some people would rather appear to be the unripened fruit.

There are better times to come than to worry about such immaturity.
There are better people out there who will treat you like a true friend.
There are better environments that will be full of mature beings.

As much as it bothers me, I am challenging myself to push the immaturity aside and laugh it off.
To be a wise man, one cannot follow in the footsteps of the premature.

You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same.
-Jonathan Davis

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